
Week of Prayer 
February 9-13 @ 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall

God hears us when we pray! Prayer is effective for us, in us, and around us. So we are gathering as a church family for a week of prayer, Sunday, February 9 through Thursday, February 13: every evening at 6pm.

This will look different from some of the prayer meetings you’ve been to in the past: there is no preaching, no devotional, no going around the circling talking, and no one has to pray out loud. If you need to, you can leave early or you can come late, but please plan to join us here at the church February 9-13 for a week of prayer.

Big Lake Winter Retreat
February 14-17, 2025
Note that payments are due. Thank you!

This week in PVC Life

Sabbath, February 8
9:15am | First Service with Kessia Reyne Bennett
10:30am | Discipleship Groups
11:45am | Second Service with Kessia Reyne Bennett
1:00pm | Abundance Potluck

Sunday, February 9
6:00pm | Week of Prayer (meeting in the Fellowship Hall)
7:00pm | Releasing Bitterness (an Interactive Seminar)

Monday, February 10
6:00pm | Week of Prayer (meeting in the Fellowship Hall)
Deadline to sign up for Big Lake Winter Retreat!

Tuesday, February 11
6:00pm | Week of Prayer (meeting in the Fellowship Hall)
7:00pm | Elders Meeting

Wednesday, February 12
6:00pm | Week of Prayer (meeting in the Fellowship Hall)
6:30pm | Pathfinders

Thursday, February 13
6:00pm | Week of Prayer (meeting in the Fellowship Hall)
7:00pm | Journey to Wholeness

Friday, February 14 – Monday, February 17
Big Lake Winter Retreat!

Friday, February 14
5:37pm | Welcoming the Sabbath!

Sabbath, February 15
9:15am | First Service with David Horger
10:30am | Discipleship Groups
11:45am | Second Service with David Horger
Conference Level Pathfinder Bible Experience (at Holden Center)