Events and Gatherings


CLEAN ministry is hosting a transformative weekend at the end of next month that you probably want to check out. Led by pastor and PVC pal Billy Hungate, CLEAN focuses on Christ-centered healing ministry to those with trauma and addiction in their lives.

Everyone experiences trauma and addiction in one form or another. Here’s a chance to talk about it in a safe space while gaining awareness and understanding of yourself and others. You’ll leave with practical tools for overcoming the barriers that set you back.

This week in PVC Life

Friday, September 6 - Sunday, September 8
Church Campout at Fort Stevens

Sabbath, September 7
9:15am | First Service with Kessia Reyne Bennett
10:30am | Discipleship Groups
11:45am | Second Service with Kessia Reyne Bennett

Monday, September 9 - Wednesday, September 11
Pastoral Leadership Conference

Wednesday, September 11
6:30pm | Pathfinders

Thursday, September 12 – Sunday, September 15
Oregon Conference Jr. High Bible Camp

Sabbath, September 14
9:15am | First Service with Kessia Reyne Bennett
10:30am | Discipleship Groups
11:45am | Second Service with Kessia Reyne Bennett