
as people who are 


There's a story running through your head about who you are, what you owe, what you carry, and where you're going. The gospel tells you a new story –– the truest story –– and re-plants your identity, your heart, your life.

From all the dark things of this life, from all the fears and falsehoods –– live free.

Join us for worship and fellowship

Service times

Saturday Mornings

Gathered Worship

9:15 & 11:45

Discipleship Groups

COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Pleasant Valley Elementary School’s “Wildside” Work-bee
Sunday Morning, August 4 starting at 8:30 am • 17625 SE Foster Road (enter at SE Richey)
This is an ongoing project in support of PVES. If you have a passion for building relationships, and beautifying a little slice of God’s glorious creation, please consider joining us for a work-bee on 8/4; bring your weed whackers, pruners, weed diggers, rakes, gloves, and hat.  RSVP to Ed Hoover at

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