February 22

Gathering Song
Nothing but the Blood

Welcome & Announcements
Shandra Ban

Call to Worship
Psalm 63:7-8, NIV

Praise & Worship

Family Prayer
Jim Fraizer

Scripture Reading
Mark 2:1-5, NLT
1st service: Bill Colwell
2nd service: Andrew Barcenas

Unburdened: Forgiving Myself
Dr. Kessia Reyne Bennett

Song of Response
Trust in God


Serving You This Weekend

Worship Coordinator: Carol Kunau
Music Leader: Randy Ban
1st Service Deacons: Bruce Hazen, Ethan Greenburg
2nd Service Deacons: Briel Nölscher, Nik Nölscher
1st Service Greeters: Bill Colwell, Trixy Franke, Jeff Greenburg, John Hillenkamp
2nd Service Greeters: Hunde Abebe, Cheryl Struchen, Larry Struchen, Mana Weldemariam
Audio: Jeff Ahlquist
Multimedia: Sam Philip, DeAndra Merrills
Hospitality: Sophia Greenburg, Linh Nguyen, Kim Tran