Sanctuary Sabbath School Class

teaching schedule

January 4: Jim Fraizer
January 11: Ed Hoover
January 18: Bruce Hazen
January 25: Rit Kunau

February 1: Jim Fraizer
February 8: Ed Hoover
February 15: Bruce Hazen
February 22: Jim Dederer

March 1: Rit Kunau
March 8: Jim Fraizer
March 15: Ed Hoover
March 22: Bruce Hazen
March 29: Jim Dederer

who we are

Find us each Sabbath in the church sanctuary at 10:30am for an interactive study of the Bible and the Adult Sabbath School Study Guide ("the Quarterly"). This quarter, we are exploring the fascinating topic of God’s Love and Justice . Free Quarterlies are available in the class, through the SSQ mobile app (Google Play / Apple Play) or online at

We appreciate being able to build community through our weekly time together, and YOU are invited to join us!