Seventh-day Adventists consider our movement to be the result of the Protestant conviction sola Scriptura—the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice for Christians.
Currently, Adventists hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six categories—the doctrines of God, humanity, salvation, the church, the Christian life, and the restoration of all things. In each teaching, God is the architect who in wisdom, grace, and infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.

We believe that God loves.
God is love, power, and splendor––and God is a trinitarian mystery. God's ways are far beyond us, yet God still reaches out to humanity in compassionate communication. God is infinite yet intimate, three yet one, all-knowing yet all-forgiving.

We believe that God creates.
From neurons to nebulae, DNA to distant galaxies, we are surrounded by wonder. Yet the beauty is broken.

We believe that God saves.
This creating, communicating, connecting God was in Jesus, reconciling the world to God, not counting humanity's sins against us. Forgiveness, wholeness, and purpose are offered to everyone.

the church
We believe that God inhabits.
After Jesus’ ministry on earth, He commissioned His followers to go about their lives telling others about His love and promise to return. In doing this, He also commanded us to love all people as He loves all of us.

We believe that God transforms.
God designed us for holiness and wholeness. More than mere "rules," God gives us instruction on what real life is actually supposed to be like.

We believe that God triumphs.
The way things are is not the way they are supposed to be, and one day soon God will return to earth, put a final end to sin, and recreate the world.